Where can I play Pickleball in Perth, WA?
Pickleball in Perth has taken off! There are a number of different times and locations to play in the city. All weekly Pickleball play times can be found by contacting the key people at each location below.
Perth Metro Centres/North of the River
Craigie Leisure Centre, Craigie (Indoor)
Whitfords Ave, Craigie WA 6025 (Google Map)
(host https://www.facebook.com/pickleballperth)
Ben Hocking 0423 854 857
Sunday Afternoons
Karrinyup Recreation Centre, Karrinyup (Indoor)
2 Nerita Way, Karrinyup, WA 6018 (Google Map)
(host https://www.pickleballwesternaustralia.com.au)
Jayne de Silva 0489 189 950
Saturday Afternoons
Nollamara Tennis Club, Nollamara (Outdoor)
Kindra Way, Nollamara WA 6061 (Google Map)
(Host https://www.facebook.com/Pickleballntc )
Shane Draper 0491 723 318
Ashvin Isaac 0423 972 240
Thursday Nights
North Shore Country Club, Kallaroo (Outdoor)
19 Henderson Dr, Kallaroo WA 6025 (Google Map)
Steve Armson 0405 200 177
Tuesday Nights
Sunday Mornings
Ocean Ridge Tennis Club, Heathridge (Outdoor)
16/20 Sail Terrace, Heathridge WA 6027 (Google Map)
Ben Hocking 0423 854 857
Monday & Friday Nights
Sacred Heart College Gym, Sorrento (Indoor)
Hocking Parade, Sorrento WA 6020 (Google Map)
Craig Cobern 0437 870 605
Wednesday Nights
The Rise, Maylands (Indoor)
28 Eighth Ave, Maylands WA 6051 (Google Map)
(host https://bayswaterrecreation.com.au/rise/)
Bob White 0433 635 607
Tuesday Mornings and Wednesday Nights
Wanneroo Recreation Centre, Wanneroo (Indoor)
275 Scenic Drive, Wanneroo WA 6065 (Google Map)
(host https://www.pickleballwesternaustralia.com.au)
Jayne de Silva 0489 189 950
Wade Paulson 0401 537 631
Sunday Mornings
Monday Nights
Wanneroo Showgrounds, Wanneroo (Outdoor)
21 Ariti Ave, Wanneroo WA 6065 (Google Map)
(host https://www.pickleballwesternaustralia.com.au)
John Lowes
All Things Pickleball
Contact: 0424365560
Email: johnlowes@outlook.com.au
Website: allthingspickleball.com.au
Monday and Friday Nights
Sunday Mornings
The Dalkeith Tennis Club, Dalkeith (Outdoor)
Beatrice Road, Dalkeith WA 6009
Wayne 0418 957 089, Annette 0400 989 953
Monday and Friday nights (from September)
Perth Metro Centres/South of the River
Blue Gum Community Centre, Brentwood (Indoor)
33 Moolyeen Rd, Brentwood WA 6153 (Google Map)
(host https://www.melvillecity.com.au/…/blue-gum-community…)
Jackson Lim 0433 669 191
Thursday and Sunday Nights
Jim Guilfoile 0403 743 147 jimguilfoile@gmail.com
Mondays: (excluding school holidays and public holidays)
George Burnett Leisure Centre, Karawara (Indoor)
Manning Rd, Karawara WA 6152 (Google Map)
(host https://southperth.wa.gov.au/community/facilities/george-burnett-leisure-centre)
Jim Guilfoile 0403 743 147 jimguilfoile@gmail.com
Tuesday Mornings
Hensman Park Tennis Club, South Perth (Outdoor)
24 Anstey St, South Perth WA 6151 (Google Map)
Monday, Thursday, and Friday evenings and Thursday mornings.
contact Information-
Lauren Strong
0422 204 467
LeisureFit, Melville (Indoor)
431 Canning Hwy, Melville, WA 6152 (Google Map)
(host https://www.melvillecity.com.au/things-to-do/leisurefit-recreation-centres)
Jim Guilfoile 0403 743 147 jimguilfoile@gmail.com
Wednesday Mornings
Leisurelife Centre, East Victoria Park (Indoor)
34 Kent Street, East Victoria Park 6101 (Google Map)
(Host: https://www.victoriaparkleisur
Trevor Nathan 9373 5450
Monday, Wednesday mornings & Thursday, Friday Afternoons
Samson Recreation Centre, Samson (Indoor)
4 McCombe Avenue, Samson, WA 6163 (Google Map)
(host https://www.fremantle.wa.gov.au/samsonrecreationcentre)
Jim Guilfoile 0403 743 147 jimguilfoile@gmail.com
Friday Lunchtimes
Ivy Ho 0402 408 811
Tuesday Evenings
Friday Afternoons
Sunday Evenings
Homestead Park centre, Thornlie (Indoor)
14 Glenbrook Rd, Thornlie WA 6108 (Google Map)
City of Gosnells Residents – Over 55’s Only
More information: 9391 6030
Tuesday 10 – 11:30am, Thursday 11:30am – 1:30pm
Perth Metro Centres/Eastern Suburbs
Hartfield Park Recreation Centre, Forrestfield (Indoor)
199 Hale Rd, Forrestfield WA 6058 (Google Map)
(host https://kalamunda.wa.gov.au/recreation-tourism/sports-recreation)
Customer Service: 08 9359 1700
Tuesday and Friday Mornings
Country Centres
Pickleball Bunbury Inc.: Bunbury & Districts Badminton Association, Bunbury (Indoor)
1 Rotary Ave., Bunbury WA 6230 (Google Map)
Visit their website for any information.
Eaton Recreation Centre, Eaton (Indoor)
18 Recreation Dr, Eaton WA 6232 (Google Map)
Wills Pomare 08 9724 400
Tuesday Mornings
High St Hall, Busselton (Indoor)
47 Bussell Highway, Busselton WA 6280 (Google Map)
(host https://www.powerpickleball.com.au)
Jayne de Silva 0417 950 474/ Anthony de Silva 0406 964 339
Friday Evenings
Sunday Afternoons
Murray Aquatic and Leisure Centre (Indoor)
16 Camp Road, Pinjarra WA 6208(Google Map)
(Host https://www.murrayleisurecentre.com.au/)
Shaun (shaun.coetzee@murray.wa.gov.au)
Tuesday Mornings
Thursday Evenings
Vasse Tennis Courts, Vasse (Outdoor)
(Google Map)
(host https://www.powerpickleball.com.au)
Jayne de Silva 0489 189 950/ Anthony de Silva 0406 964 339
Wednesday Evenings
Thursday Evenings
Sunday Afternoons
Waroona Recreation & Aquatic Centre, Waroona (Indoor)
Hill St, Waroona WA 6215 (Google Map)
(host https://www.waroona.wa.gov.au/community/recreation/recreation-and-aquatic-centre.aspx)
Ph: 08 9733 2389
Thursday Evenings
Looking for Pickleball Equipment in Perth WA? Find everything you need here.
To find out how to play Pickleball, click here for more information.